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What is Intention-based Marketing?

Connolly Media & Marketing

What is intention-based marketing?

Intentional marketing, or intent-based marketing, is most commonly referred to in discussion regarding website content, but it can also be applied to social media and other forms of content.

There are four categories of intentional marketing:


This refers to when searchers or visitors to your company page are searching for specific information. For website content, this means having keywords and phrases that provide the information that your customers or visitors are likely to be looking for.

You will need to understand what information your ideal customers or clients will require and use this to provide educational content on your website for your customer. This is most commonly provided through blog articles.

Social media content can be planned and focused in the same manner as website content when you adopt intentional marketing. This means looking at your target audience and understanding what information they would find educational. When you provide this information, your audience will begin to deem your business as authoritative in your field or industry. Doing this means your page will become their go-to place for information required in your niche.


When applying navigational intent to your website, it means to understand how your target audience uses search engines to search for a specific webpage or website. When we apply navigational intent to social media platforms, we must ensure that our company page appears in the results list when our audience is searching our company name. All the main social media platforms have this feature, but searching your company name is not much use if you have not used your company name as your username or page name. This can be confusing to your audience and chances are that after a few minutes of searching, they will abandon their efforts if your page does not appear. Not a great impression, eh?

There are bio’s and about sections that can be utilized on most social media pages if there is more than one name for your business (if you are often referred to in short form, i.e., ours would be CMM). But it is essential that you put your company name as your username to make it as easy as possible for your audience to search and find you.


Transactional intent means that your audience is searching for a specific service or product with the intention of making a purchase.

For your website, this would mean ensuring that your page tags, meta-descriptions, product titles, and product descriptions all refer to the transactional intent of your potential customers.

With commerce features becoming a standard feature on most social media platforms, it is essential to understand and be prepared for the transactional intent of your audience. There are many steps that you can take to ensure that you are ready for customers that are ready to buy the products and services you offer:

  • Tag all products that appear in your posts and images

  • Ensure product titles and descriptions are all up to date

  • Ensure an easy payment/subscription (transactional can also be email subscriptions, not just purchases!


Commercial intent refers to when your audience is not quite ready to purchase, but is conducting reasearch of products and services. Keywords that match your audience's commercial intent is essential.

How to know the keywords associated with your customer's intent? Here are some tips:

  • Search Google Adwords for keywords used and bidded on by your competitorsor others in your industry

  • Google Analytics - see which words are currently driving traffic

  • SEMRush - check which keywords competitors current rank for

There are four main categories of keywords used when creating content or product listings for your audience's commercial intent (

  1. "Buy Now" keywords: shipping, discount, etc.

  2. "Product" keywords: brand name, affordable, best, other descriptive words, etc.

  3. "Informational" keywords: how to, tips, etc.

  4. "Tire Kicker" keywords: download, free, complimentary, etc.

Understanding the intentions of your audience directs and should be the foundation of all your marketing efforts.


Written By: Holly Connolly

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